Hello, Worthwoods Wildcats. We have a special message for our WW family from Ms. McDermott.
We are also including some phone numbers and websites below as mental health resources for your family.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK (800-273-8255) or (800) SUICIDE (800-784-7433)
National Alliance on Mental Health Information Line
(800) 950-NAMI (6264)
Alcohol and Drug Helpline
(800) 821-4357
CDC Coronavirus Page
- Symptoms
- Caring for yourself and others
- Daily life and coping
- Podcasts
World Health Organization
- Statistics
- Information on scams
- Technical guidance
- Research
Illinois Department of Public Health
- Statistics
- FAQs
- Community Guidance
- Executive Orders and rules
National Alliance on Mental Health
- Mental health guidance and ideas
COVID 19 Mental Health Resource Hub
- Resources and videos from a variety of mental health agencies
Illinois Mental Health Collaborative
- Miscellaneous resources and information