Welcome to the Worth 127 District page for all the information you need to know in relation to the school closures due to the COVID-19 virus. We will be updating this page with information as soon as it develops. Please bookmark this page for your records and check it frequently.
All student meals can be picked up at Worth Junior High School on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays between 10AM and 12PM while the schools are closed. Tuesdays and Thursdays will provide for two days worth of meals. All children 18 and under qualify for these free meals. Pickup is at each school’s gym entrance.
To add your cell phone number or email address to our emergency automated notification system, please email the following to help@worthschools.org:
- Student name
- Parent cell phone number
- Parent email address
Any and all relevant news will be sent out through our automated notification system, social media, and this website, so keep checking this page for updates. Stay healthy!
UPDATED: 5/04/20
Meal pickup has been changed to only be at Worth Junior High starting today, Monday, May 4th.
UPDATED: 4/17/20
Following Governor Pritzker’s orders today, remote learning will continue through the end of the school year. Please read Superintendent Dr. Fleming’s letter here.
UPDATED: 4/02/20
Dr. Fleming has released an updated Remote Learning schedule for the rest of April. Read the letter here.
UPDATED: 3/31/20
Following Governor Pritzker’s orders today, remote learning will continue through April 30th and on-site learning is tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 1st. Please read Superintendent Fleming letter here.
UPDATED: 3/28/20
Superintendent Dr. Fleming released an update, which talks about the planned caravan for Monday, March 30th, and also the Remote Learning Days that will start on Tuesday, March 31st. You can read the letter here. You can also see our Remote Learning Day page here.
UPDATED: 3/21/20
Governor Pritzker extended the school closures through at least April 7th. We are now tentatively planning to reopen on April 8th. Please read Superintendent Dr. Fleming’s letter for more information.
UPDATED: 3/20/20
Students are now on spring break from Monday, March 23 to Friday, March 27. No schoolwork needs to be completed during this time, but we’ve created a fun resource for families to take a virtual vacation from home! Check out our eLearning page for more details.
UPDATED: 3/18/20
The district offices are moving to reduced hours this week. Our hours for today – Wednesday, March 18 – and tomorrow – Thursday, March 19 – are 8 am to 12 noon. We will be closed on Friday.
To add your cell phone number or email address to our emergency automated notification system, please email the following to help@worthschools.org:
- Student name
- Parent cell phone number
- Parent email address
Any and all relevant news will be sent out through our automated notification system, social media, and this website, so keep checking this page for updates. Stay healthy!
UPDATED: 3/16/20
- We have extended the school closure one more day. District 127 schools will now be closed through Monday, March 30 and will reopen on TUESDAY, MARCH 31.
- All the school buildings will be OPEN from 8 – 9 am on Tuesday, March 17 in order for parents to be able to get Chromebooks for their child if he or she was absent in school on Friday, March 13. If you need a different time, please call your child’s school office to set up an alternate pick-up time.
- Enrichment opportunity for learning days will begin on Tuesday, March 17.
UPDATED: 3/13/20
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, Worth 127 School District is closing schools at the end of the day today. While Worth School District 127 does not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the district, this decision was made in an abundance of caution to limit the spread of the COVID-19 illness.
- Read Dr. Fleming’s letter about the closing here.
- What about meals? We will partner with our food service management partner, Quest Food Management Services, to provide two or three distributions per week. These dates, times and locations will be determined as needed. Read the letter here.
- Enrichment Days will start on Tuesday, March 17. Lesson plans will be published shortly before that date. Go to our E-Learning page for all the information you need.