
We believe that every successful child deserves a great breakfast and a healthy lunch every day. Every full-time student that is registered with Worth School District 127 will get a free breakfast and a free lunch every day that school is in session. This page will help you get the most of the food program that we offer here.

Online ordering for the breakfast/lunch period of Wednesday, April 2nd through Wednesday, April 30th is OPEN. Online ordering deadline is midnight on Friday, March 21st for the breakfast/lunch period.

For those who order meals but are fasting in March for religious reasons, you must take the meals home at the end of the school day. If you don’t want to take the meals home, please refrain from ordering meals during the fasting period.

You can download the newest letter here in PDF form.

MyMealOrder Account Setup / Ordering

  1. Go to the website:
  2. Click the green box “REGISTER FOR A FREE ACCOUNT”
  3. Select the State: ILLINOIS
  4. Select the District: WORTH SCHOOL DISTRICT 127
  5. Complete the registration page. The information you enter on this page will be used again for future month’s orders. Be sure to make note of the user name and password that you choose.
  6. You can add one or more children to the parent login. In order to add a child, you must have a student ID number for each child. You will need this information to complete the process.
  7. For each child in the family, you can select the days for which you would like to order breakfast and lunch. It is best to select “month view” tab on the left side of the screen, so you can view the entire month’s options. Be sure to click “Add to Cart” for the meals your child would like. There is no need to order milk; however, please remember, only white milk is available in the morning for breakfast. For lunch, chocolate or white milk are available options.
  8. When selections are complete, click on the green box “View Cart” on the right side of the screen. If your order is complete, click on the green box “Checkout.” A final order confirmation will appear, then click the green “Place Order” box at the right side of the screen.
  9. A summary of the meals ordered for the month will appear. You can print this order for reference during the month. A summary of meals ordered for the month will also be e-mailed to you. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, it is possible that the order did not go through and is not complete. In this case, please call Ms. Linda at the District Office at 708-671-3903.

*Dietary information for all menu items are available on the order pages*

MyMealOrder Website Ordering Instructions

You can download these instructions here.

MyMealOrder Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I create an Account?
– Click “Registration” in the upper right corner of the home page.
– Enter all information in the fields provided, including Display Name, Address, Phone, Email Address, Username/Password, Security Question/Answer, and your School District.
– Click “Add Student to your Account” to proceed. You will have an opportunity to edit your account in the future if needed. There, you will also find a few options to customize your Account for Email Notifications.

Adding Students to your Account
– After you complete the Registration page, click “Add Student to your Account.”
– Add the student’s Student Identification number (please contact your district to obtain this number)
– Enter student’s last name as registered in school
– Enter the School student attends
– Select “Add Student”
– Repeat this for each student attending this school district.
– Each name will appear in the list at the bottom of the window.  You can remove students at any time. Once all students have been entered, click “Begin Planning Your Meal” to proceed.

What are Calendar Views? provides two calendar views to choose from when ordering meals for your students.

– Week View – displays meals that are scheduled for each student on the account in a five‐day (Mon.‐Fri.) view. This view allows you to see all students in the selected week, in one screen. (Days shown grayed out are no longer available for ordering in the current window.)

– Month View – displays meals that are scheduled for each student on the account in a calendar month view. This view allows you to see a month calendar view for all meals that are scheduled for the selected month. Only one student’s scheduled meals are shown at a time in Month view. You can use the Student View Settings dropdown in the upper left portion of the screen to switch between students. (Days shown grayed out are no longer available for ordering in the current window.) Also available in the Student View Settings dropdown is the ability to switch between:

o Students With Orders – shows all students who have an order placed for each day of the month

o Students Missing Orders – shows students for each day where there is no order placed. This allows you to quickly ensure that all days have an order placed. Orders can be placed in either view.

How do I view Nutritional Info?
From the week or month view, click on any item. In the Pop‐up window, click the + sign next to the item you wish to view to display the Nutritional Info. Click the X at the top of the page to close the pop‐up window.

What are Options?
Set Favorite Meal: Allows you to order all your favorite meals with one click.  To set a Favorite, click on a menu item in the Week or Month calendar view. Click the green bar “Make Favorite.” To remove a meal from your Favorites click “Remove Favorite.”

View Favorites: Shows which menus have been saved as your “Favorites.” From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select View Favorites. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “View Favorites” link at the top right of the page. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. You can remove a Favorite here by clicking the + sign next to the Favorite item, and then clicking the “Remove Favorite” button.

Order Favorites: Allows you to order all your set Favorites for the entire week or month.  From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select Order Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “Order Favorites” link at the top right of the page. Click the red trashcan “Cancel” to undo the order for the entire week/month.

Order for Everyday:  Allows you to order for all days/menus available for the week or month with one click. From the Week view, click the Options drop down and select “Order for Every Day.” To cancel, click the Options drop down, then click “Cancel Everyday Order” from the list. From the Month view, click the orange cart “Order for Everyday” link at the top right of the page. Click “Cancel” to undo the order for the week view. Click on the red trashcan “Cancel Everyday Order” to undo the order for the entire month.

How do I place an Order?
From any view simply click the Green “Add to Cart” Button. You can also click on the menu item and order from the pop up window by clicking the Green “Add to Cart” Button.

How do I order for the Week?
From the Week View, click the Option drop down, and select “Order for Everyday.” All the menu items available for that week will be added to your cart. If there is more than one menu choice, the first menu listed will be added to your cart.

Item mode – For schools that operate an a la cart menu, select this menu to open the popup window to see all items scheduled. Add quantities for each item requested. Maximum quantities vary by district, but typically allow no more than 5 (or less) for each item.

How do I Order for the Whole Month?
From the Month View, click the Orange Cart “Order for Everyday” link at the top right of the page. All the menu items available for the month will be added to your cart. If there is more than one menu choice, the first menu listed will be added to your cart.

Item mode – For schools that operate an a la cart menu, select this menu to open the popup window to see all items scheduled. Add quantities for each item requested. Maximum quantities vary by district, but typically allow no more than 5 (or less) for each item.

What is Meal Mode vs. Item Mode?
Meal Mode: Is a planned meal consisting of all components and ordered as ONE item. For example: burger, chips, celery sticks, milk = 1 ITEM, and individual items cannot be ordered a la carte in most cases.

Item Mode: For schools that operate an a la cart menu, select this menu to open the popup window to see all items scheduled. Add quantities for EACH individual item requested. Maximum quantities vary by district, but typically allow no more than 5 (or less) for each item.

How do I use Favorites?
Set Favorite Meal: Allows you to order all your favorite meals with one click. To set a Favorite, click on a menu item in the Week or Month calendar view. Click the green bar “Make Favorite.” To remove a meal from your Favorites click “Remove Favorite.”

View Favorites: Shows which menus have been saved as your “Favorites.” From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select View Favorites. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “View Favorites” link at the top right of the page. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. You can remove a Favorite here by clicking the + sign next to the Favorite item, and then clicking the “Remove Favorite” button.

Order Favorites: Allows you to order all your set Favorites for the entire week or month. From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select Order Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “Order Favorites” link at the top right of the page. Click the red trash can “Cancel” to undo the order for the entire week/month.

How do I view Items in my Cart?
Select “View Cart” from the right‐side of the screen anytime to view items placed in your cart. The Cart will show each menu/item, for each day ordered, by student. The Cart will show the item Ordered, date of the scheduled Menu, Price, Qty, and Description.

Select the “X” next to any item you want to remove from the Cart. You can also close the Cart and remove an order from the Week or Month View by pressing the Red “Cancel” button. Select “Checkout” to save and complete your Order.

Select “Empty Cart” to empty the Cart and remove all items placed in the Cart.

How Do I Checkout?
From the View Cart window, select “Checkout” to save and complete your Order.

How do I edit my Account?
Select Edit Account from the top Navigation bar. Here you can update your:

  • Phone numbers
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Security Question

Also, you can edit your Email Notifications.

  • Administration Cancelation – in the event that the District Administration needs to cancel an order, checking this option will suppress any email notifications to you (Default=unchecked – Email Notifications accepted)
  • Incomplete Order – in the event you add items to the Cart, but do not complete the Order Transaction, checking this option will suppress any email notifications to you (Default=unchecked – Email Notifications accepted)
  • Opt Out of all Notifications – checking this option will suppress ALL email notifications to you (Default=unchecked – Email Notifications accepted)

How do I change my Password?
After you are logged in, on any screen, select “Change Password” from the Navigation Bar. Enter your current password in the pop‐up window, then enter your new password, and re‐enter for verification. Press the “Change Password” button to complete the process.

How do I Cancel an Order? From the Weekly/Monthly view, simply click the Red “Cancel” button for the item you wish to cancel. Using the cancel button here will automatically remove the item from your Cart.

If you are in the Cart Window, you can remove an item from the cart by clicking the “X” next to that item, or empty the entire cart by clicking the button below “Empty Cart.” These actions will cancel your meal order for that date.

How do I view Placed Orders?
Once orders are processed through the Checkout, Orders can be viewed in the Orders Menu Option at the top navigation bar at the top of the screen. Orders are listed separately for each date, and for each student. Select Details to view details of the order selected. Status is indicated by:
– Purchased – indicated items have been successfully ordered and payment processed.
– Refunded – indicates an order has been canceled and the amount refunded to the Account Balance.
– Voided – indicates orders voided by School Administrators.

You can download or print all of this information here.

You can download these instructions here.

How do I create an Account?
– Click “Registration” in the upper right corner of the home page.
– Enter all information in the fields provided, including Display Name, Address, Phone, Email Address, Username/Password, Security Question/Answer, and your School District.
– Click “Add Student to your Account” to proceed. You will have an opportunity to edit your account in the future if needed. There, you will also find a few options to customize your Account for Email Notifications.

Adding Students to your Account
– After you complete the Registration page, click “Add Student to your Account.”
– Add the student’s Student Identification number (please contact your district to obtain this number)
– Enter student’s last name as registered in school
– Enter the School student attends
– Select “Add Student”
– Repeat this for each student attending this school district.
– Each name will appear in the list at the bottom of the window.  You can remove students at any time. Once all students have been entered, click “Begin Planning Your Meal” to proceed.

What are Calendar Views? provides two calendar views to choose from when ordering meals for your students.

– Week View – displays meals that are scheduled for each student on the account in a five‐day (Mon.‐Fri.) view. This view allows you to see all students in the selected week, in one screen. (Days shown grayed out are no longer available for ordering in the current window.)

– Month View – displays meals that are scheduled for each student on the account in a calendar month view. This view allows you to see a month calendar view for all meals that are scheduled for the selected month. Only one student’s scheduled meals are shown at a time in Month view. You can use the Student View Settings dropdown in the upper left portion of the screen to switch between students. (Days shown grayed out are no longer available for ordering in the current window.) Also available in the Student View Settings dropdown is the ability to switch between:

o Students With Orders – shows all students who have an order placed for each day of the month

o Students Missing Orders – shows students for each day where there is no order placed. This allows you to quickly ensure that all days have an order placed. Orders can be placed in either view.

How do I view Nutritional Info?
From the week or month view, click on any item. In the Pop‐up window, click the + sign next to the item you wish to view to display the Nutritional Info. Click the X at the top of the page to close the pop‐up window.

What are Options?
Set Favorite Meal: Allows you to order all your favorite meals with one click.  To set a Favorite, click on a menu item in the Week or Month calendar view. Click the green bar “Make Favorite.” To remove a meal from your Favorites click “Remove Favorite.”

View Favorites: Shows which menus have been saved as your “Favorites.” From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select View Favorites. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “View Favorites” link at the top right of the page. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. You can remove a Favorite here by clicking the + sign next to the Favorite item, and then clicking the “Remove Favorite” button.

Order Favorites: Allows you to order all your set Favorites for the entire week or month.  From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select Order Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “Order Favorites” link at the top right of the page. Click the red trashcan “Cancel” to undo the order for the entire week/month.

Order for Everyday:  Allows you to order for all days/menus available for the week or month with one click. From the Week view, click the Options drop down and select “Order for Every Day.” To cancel, click the Options drop down, then click “Cancel Everyday Order” from the list. From the Month view, click the orange cart “Order for Everyday” link at the top right of the page. Click “Cancel” to undo the order for the week view. Click on the red trashcan “Cancel Everyday Order” to undo the order for the entire month.

How do I place an Order?
From any view simply click the Green “Add to Cart” Button. You can also click on the menu item and order from the pop up window by clicking the Green “Add to Cart” Button.

How do I order for the Week?
From the Week View, click the Option drop down, and select “Order for Everyday.” All the menu items available for that week will be added to your cart. If there is more than one menu choice, the first menu listed will be added to your cart.

Item mode – For schools that operate an a la cart menu, select this menu to open the popup window to see all items scheduled. Add quantities for each item requested. Maximum quantities vary by district, but typically allow no more than 5 (or less) for each item.

How do I Order for the Whole Month?
From the Month View, click the Orange Cart “Order for Everyday” link at the top right of the page. All the menu items available for the month will be added to your cart. If there is more than one menu choice, the first menu listed will be added to your cart.

Item mode – For schools that operate an a la cart menu, select this menu to open the popup window to see all items scheduled. Add quantities for each item requested. Maximum quantities vary by district, but typically allow no more than 5 (or less) for each item.

What is Meal Mode vs. Item Mode?
Meal Mode: Is a planned meal consisting of all components and ordered as ONE item. For example: burger, chips, celery sticks, milk = 1 ITEM, and individual items cannot be ordered a la carte in most cases.

Item Mode: For schools that operate an a la cart menu, select this menu to open the popup window to see all items scheduled. Add quantities for EACH individual item requested. Maximum quantities vary by district, but typically allow no more than 5 (or less) for each item.

How do I use Favorites?
Set Favorite Meal: Allows you to order all your favorite meals with one click. To set a Favorite, click on a menu item in the Week or Month calendar view. Click the green bar “Make Favorite.” To remove a meal from your Favorites click “Remove Favorite.”

View Favorites: Shows which menus have been saved as your “Favorites.” From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select View Favorites. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “View Favorites” link at the top right of the page. A pop‐up window will display a list of all your Favorites. You can remove a Favorite here by clicking the + sign next to the Favorite item, and then clicking the “Remove Favorite” button.

Order Favorites: Allows you to order all your set Favorites for the entire week or month. From the Week view, click the Options drop down, and select Order Favorites. From the Month view, click the yellow star “Order Favorites” link at the top right of the page. Click the red trash can “Cancel” to undo the order for the entire week/month.

How do I view Items in my Cart?
Select “View Cart” from the right‐side of the screen anytime to view items placed in your cart. The Cart will show each menu/item, for each day ordered, by student. The Cart will show the item Ordered, date of the scheduled Menu, Price, Qty, and Description.

Select the “X” next to any item you want to remove from the Cart. You can also close the Cart and remove an order from the Week or Month View by pressing the Red “Cancel” button. Select “Checkout” to save and complete your Order.

Select “Empty Cart” to empty the Cart and remove all items placed in the Cart.

How Do I Checkout?
From the View Cart window, select “Checkout” to save and complete your Order.

How do I edit my Account?
Select Edit Account from the top Navigation bar. Here you can update your:

  • Phone numbers
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Security Question

Also, you can edit your Email Notifications.

  • Administration Cancelation – in the event that the District Administration needs to cancel an order, checking this option will suppress any email notifications to you (Default=unchecked – Email Notifications accepted)
  • Incomplete Order – in the event you add items to the Cart, but do not complete the Order Transaction, checking this option will suppress any email notifications to you (Default=unchecked – Email Notifications accepted)
  • Opt Out of all Notifications – checking this option will suppress ALL email notifications to you (Default=unchecked – Email Notifications accepted)

How do I change my Password?
After you are logged in, on any screen, select “Change Password” from the Navigation Bar. Enter your current password in the pop‐up window, then enter your new password, and re‐enter for verification. Press the “Change Password” button to complete the process.

How do I Cancel an Order? From the Weekly/Monthly view, simply click the Red “Cancel” button for the item you wish to cancel. Using the cancel button here will automatically remove the item from your Cart.

If you are in the Cart Window, you can remove an item from the cart by clicking the “X” next to that item, or empty the entire cart by clicking the button below “Empty Cart.” These actions will cancel your meal order for that date.

How do I view Placed Orders?
Once orders are processed through the Checkout, Orders can be viewed in the Orders Menu Option at the top navigation bar at the top of the screen. Orders are listed separately for each date, and for each student. Select Details to view details of the order selected. Status is indicated by:
– Purchased – indicated items have been successfully ordered and payment processed.
– Refunded – indicates an order has been canceled and the amount refunded to the Account Balance.
– Voided – indicates orders voided by School Administrators.

You can download or print all of this information here.

P-EBT: Distribution of DHS Notice to Eligible Students 

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) is a new federal benefit program meant to give timely assistance to families who qualify in this district. Please click below to read the notice of eligibility for P-EBT SNAP benefits.

If your family has questions regarding the P-EBT benefits and issuances, please review information at, including the frequently asked questions. You may also contact the DHS toll-free P-EBT Helpline number at 1-833-621-0737.  

If your family has already received your P-EBT Link Card, and need to update your address; you should contact the LINK hotline at 1-800-678-5465. If needed, you can order a new card at that time as well. 

If your family has not received their P-EBT Link Card, but have been told that at least one student in your household is eligible, you can request an address change online at P-EBT Change of Address Form

If your family has an existing case for SNAP, Cash or Medical benefits, use Manage My Case (MMC) to report your change of address or you can call the LINK hotline at 1-800-678-5465.

Seven-day meal packs (7 breakfasts, 7 lunches and a full gallon of 2% milk) will be available for pick-up on Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. at Worthwoods Elementary and Worth Junior High for students who are in our Kindergarten, Pre-K, and Early Childhood programs. Meals WILL NOT be served to these students during the school day.

PRE-ORDERS WILL NOW BE REQUIRED EVERY WEEK for students in our Kindergarten, Pre-K and Early Childhood programs to get their weekly 7-day meal packs.

DO NOT use MyMealOrder to make your orders.

Instead, to order, please use our form here. Please note that if you pre-order and do not pick up, your ordering privileges will be suspended.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Burnickas at (708) 671-3903.

Students are now able to eat lunch at school. You MUST order in advance for your children to eat lunch at school. Use to order your meals. If you don’t know how to, you can find the instructions below this section.


Breakfast WILL NOT be available to eat at school. Instead, students will be given a 7-Day breakfast pack on Fridays, which will include 7 breakfasts, 2 weekend lunches and a half-gallon of 2% milk.

Here are the menus for June:

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Burnickas at (708) 671-3903.

Seven-day meal packs (7 breakfasts, 7 lunches and a full gallon of 2% milk) will be available for pick-up on Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. at Worthwoods Elementary and Worth Junior High for students 18 and under who are doing full-time remote learning in any district. PRE-ORDERS ARE NOW REQUIRED EVERY WEEK.

DO NOT use MyMealOrder to make your orders.

Instead, to order, please use our form here. Please note that if you pre-order and do not pick up, your ordering privileges will be suspended.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Burnickas at (708) 671-3903.

We are pleased to announce that seven-day meal packs (7 breakfasts, 7 lunches and a full gallon of 2% milk) will be available for pick-up this summer on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Worthwoods Elementary and Worth Junior High for all children aged 18 and under.


DO NOT use MyMealOrder to make your orders.

Instead, to order, please use our form here. Please note that if you pre-order and do not pick up, your ordering privileges will be suspended.

Here are the pickup dates for this summer:

  • Tuesday, June 8th
  • Tuesday, June 15th
  • Tuesday, June 22nd
  • Tuesday, June 29th
  • Tuesday, July 13th
  • Tuesday, July 20th
  • Tuesday, July 27th
  • Tuesday, August 3rd
  • Tuesday, August 10th

Please note that there will be NO SERVICE on July 6th due to the Independence Day holiday.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Burnickas at (708) 671-3903. You can also download our flyer to have on hand.